When my daughter Hannah wanted an expensive designer prom dress, I couldn’t afford it. I offered to make her a unique dress instead, but she rejected it, calling me “worthless” and saying she would get her dad to buy the dress. Despite her harsh words, I finished the dress anyway.
Hannah’s friend Amy was touched by the handmade dress, saying, “I wish my mom could have made me a dress just like that.” I offered it to Amy, who wore it to prom and looked beautiful.
At prom, Hannah found two other girls wearing the same dress as hers, while Amy won the prize for “Most Original Prom Dress” with the dress I made. Later that night, a tearful Hannah admitted she was wrong, apologized, and said, “I was so horrible to you, mom…I’m so sorry.”
In the end, Hannah learned that true value isn’t about price, and our relationship was mended.